Twelve parole families in the Northern District, Tarrant County, had a very merry holiday thanks to the generosity of the Fort Worth Resource Council for Youth, parole staff, volunteers, and several friends and family members of retired Parole Service Assistant Leaner Singleton.
These Santa’s helpers, along with donations from ALDI’s and Albertson’s groceries, provided enough food for the families to eat comfortably during the two-week break.

In addition, there were two boxes of macaroni and cheese, a box of spaghetti, a jar of spaghetti sauce, a can of pork n beans, a can of chili, and a bag each of rice, kidney and pinto beans, one jar of peanut butter and one jar of jelly.
“We know that most of our youth depend on school lunches,” said Mrs. Singleton, who has been instrumental in the Holiday Basket Drive for years, first as an employee and now as a volunteer. “I want to make sure they have plenty to eat during the break.” She called several of her friends and family members asking if they could help with the food drive and all readily agreed – just asking what do you need and how much. She coordinated staff donations as well.
Parole Officers, Jeffrey Manuel, Natasha Johnson and Billy Branch delivered food or coordinated pick up from the parole office. The amount of food surprised the youth and their moms.
“This is a real blessing,” said one mom. “Just a real blessing. Thank you so much.”
One youth kept saying, “Really, really? All of this for us?”
This annual event strengthens the bond between parole officers, parole youth and their families as they see the caring and giving side of parole as well as the usual contact visit. This visit is extra special since everybody shares smiles and hugs and Happy Holiday wishes.