The Juvenile Justice Training Academy (JJTA) will implement a newly revised Use of Force Policy training beginning in April for new hire and tenured staff. These courses are designed to give staff adequate knowledge of TJJD policy specific to the Use of Force, to gain knowledge of how to determine whether force is necessary, how to use force appropriately, what force is prohibited, and to what degree force should be used.
In addition, activities and scenarios are incorporated throughout the courses for participants to determine whether use of force was used appropriately or inappropriately for resolving a given situation.
These courses provide participants with an opportunity to be fully engaged in the learning process and to be as actively prepared as possible by learning the 3Cs of Calling for assistance, staying Calm, and Controlling the situation. TJJD wants to ensure our staff maintains professionalism at all times. Use of force is a last resort but may become necessary when youth behavior threatens safety and order.
For more information, please contact Kristy Almager at 512.490.7125 or Kristy.Almager@tjjd.texas.gov or Chris Ellison at 512.490.7245 or Chris.Ellison@tjjd.texas.gov.